"I see you sent me a Friend request. I normally don't approve requests of people I don't know personally unless we have at least 100 Friends in common. Have we met, or do we have something in common?"
This person and I only have 16 Facebook Friends in common, but I didn't dismiss it out hand because:
1. It's not a young lady;
2. This person lives in Texas, and in fact in a city I have some ties to.
But one can't too careful, can one?
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Still kinda gobsmacked over the review that said "Queens Crossing" (in "More Alternative Truths") was such a plausible alternate history they were "temporarily disoriented" after finishing it.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Miss him
What with the rollout of "More Alternative Truths" at Orycon in Portland, I'm reminded of an old chum who lives there, Edward Morris. We became friends as a result of his liking my short story that was published in Asimov;s in 2005, "A Rocket for the Republic", and as a result collaborated on a number of short stories, four of which were collected up in a chapbook published by Yard Dog Press in 2011, "Music for Four Hands".
Unfortunately Ed must hang out in certain circles that were extraordinarily hostile to the Sad Puppies effort in 2015. I don't like to bring that fiasco up any more, but it still hurts that we became estranged as a result. From what I can tell, he was so severely castigated for being associated with me that he lost his ever-loving mind, as least as it applies to me.
His last comments before he signed off in 2015 made me sad, and since then he's rebuffed any olive branches. It's too bad. I hope he'd doing well. He struck me as a nice guy who's had some bad breaks in life, both in terms of experiences as well as health.
Orycon in Portland reminded me of him, and I reached out in a message and suggested he'd like "More Alternative Truths". No reply, and more blocking.
Well, as Kurt Vonnegut used to say, "So it goes."
Unfortunately Ed must hang out in certain circles that were extraordinarily hostile to the Sad Puppies effort in 2015. I don't like to bring that fiasco up any more, but it still hurts that we became estranged as a result. From what I can tell, he was so severely castigated for being associated with me that he lost his ever-loving mind, as least as it applies to me.
His last comments before he signed off in 2015 made me sad, and since then he's rebuffed any olive branches. It's too bad. I hope he'd doing well. He struck me as a nice guy who's had some bad breaks in life, both in terms of experiences as well as health.
Orycon in Portland reminded me of him, and I reached out in a message and suggested he'd like "More Alternative Truths". No reply, and more blocking.
Well, as Kurt Vonnegut used to say, "So it goes."
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Lost in transatlantic translation
You probably know that the idea that Mars was inhabited came from the observations of the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiapparelli in 1877. who noted he could clearly see "canali" on the surface.
However, the Italian word was mistranslated into English as "canals" instead of "channels", leading to the assumption there was someone on Mars doing the digging.
Back in the 1970s, around this time of year, we were watching a Thanksgiving-themed movie at home in Massachusetts. The movie showed how the Pilgrims first made landfall at the tip of Cape Code - where Provincetown is today - but moved on because there wasn't a source of fresh water, and eventually landed in Plymouth.
My father, who was an Italian immigrant, opined he didn't know about the first landfall in Plymouth.
"I suppose they had to sail around and then come through the Cape Cod Canal."
I realized he made the Schiaparelli mistake backwards, and I explained to him that in English a canal is man-made. He'd lived in the U.S. for 20 years and always assumed that, from its name, the Cape Cod Canal was a natural waterway.
Just a recollection that crossed my mind with Thanksgiving coming in a week.
However, the Italian word was mistranslated into English as "canals" instead of "channels", leading to the assumption there was someone on Mars doing the digging.
Back in the 1970s, around this time of year, we were watching a Thanksgiving-themed movie at home in Massachusetts. The movie showed how the Pilgrims first made landfall at the tip of Cape Code - where Provincetown is today - but moved on because there wasn't a source of fresh water, and eventually landed in Plymouth.
My father, who was an Italian immigrant, opined he didn't know about the first landfall in Plymouth.
"I suppose they had to sail around and then come through the Cape Cod Canal."
I realized he made the Schiaparelli mistake backwards, and I explained to him that in English a canal is man-made. He'd lived in the U.S. for 20 years and always assumed that, from its name, the Cape Cod Canal was a natural waterway.
Just a recollection that crossed my mind with Thanksgiving coming in a week.
Thursday, November 16, 2017
Latest aceptance
A few years ago, after I'd had maybe 100 or so short stories published, there was a lot of clamor from my fans for me to write a novel.
Problem was, I am so comfortable at the short story length, I just couldn't see my way to something that long.
But I knew that many novels were expanded versions of short stories or novelettes. I assumed at some point I would start a short story that could be drawn out to book length.
That happened at the start of 2015. I got into a short story and I realized I could make it out to novel-length. That became my Dragon finalist alternate history "Another Girl, Another Planet".
Earlier this year Superversive Press opened a call for a Mars-themed anthology. Shortly afterward, I happened to stumble across the start of the original story on my computer..
I finished it, and submitted it, and I'm proud to announce that it will be published in the anthology.
Anyone who's read "Another Girl, Another Planet" will understand why this short story version is called "The Girl Who Died Twice".
I know it's a little backwards now - the short story coming AFTER the novel - but I think that, in addition to it being a good story, it is interesting to see how you can tell from it how "Another Girl, Another Planet" evolved.
I'm sure you will enjoy it.
Problem was, I am so comfortable at the short story length, I just couldn't see my way to something that long.
But I knew that many novels were expanded versions of short stories or novelettes. I assumed at some point I would start a short story that could be drawn out to book length.
That happened at the start of 2015. I got into a short story and I realized I could make it out to novel-length. That became my Dragon finalist alternate history "Another Girl, Another Planet".
Earlier this year Superversive Press opened a call for a Mars-themed anthology. Shortly afterward, I happened to stumble across the start of the original story on my computer..
I finished it, and submitted it, and I'm proud to announce that it will be published in the anthology.
Anyone who's read "Another Girl, Another Planet" will understand why this short story version is called "The Girl Who Died Twice".
I know it's a little backwards now - the short story coming AFTER the novel - but I think that, in addition to it being a good story, it is interesting to see how you can tell from it how "Another Girl, Another Planet" evolved.
I'm sure you will enjoy it.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Thoughts in the rear view mirror
Looking back on Windycon, I think in retrospect it may have been wrong-headed to drive there. I had the time, and took advantage of it, but it was 13-14 hours either way. Now that I'm 60 such such a long drive seems harder to take.
Saturday morning at the convention I wasn't feeling very good, and I think it showed. At one point someone observed I seemed to be "peckish".
By that afternoon I was feeling pretty rundown, and I attributed it to the strain of the long drive. I was even getting a sore throat.
Rather than risk getting sick and laid up 850 miles from home, I went to bed early and left Sunday morning, skipping my last two panels. All things considered, I think it was a wise decision.
Those of you who follow me regularly know I had planned a similarly-long drive over the Labor Day weekend to Atlanta and Dragoncon that was thwarted by traffic woes plus inclement weather.
I wonder if I subconsciously wanted to make the drive to Chicago to prove I could still do such a long trip. Perhaps a little stubbornness?
Last year made a similar excursion to Chattanooga for Libertycon. Patricia came with me that time, and she vowed never again. She's a smart gal.
A 13-hour drive seems a lot longer when you're alone.
Saturday morning at the convention I wasn't feeling very good, and I think it showed. At one point someone observed I seemed to be "peckish".
By that afternoon I was feeling pretty rundown, and I attributed it to the strain of the long drive. I was even getting a sore throat.
Rather than risk getting sick and laid up 850 miles from home, I went to bed early and left Sunday morning, skipping my last two panels. All things considered, I think it was a wise decision.
Those of you who follow me regularly know I had planned a similarly-long drive over the Labor Day weekend to Atlanta and Dragoncon that was thwarted by traffic woes plus inclement weather.
I wonder if I subconsciously wanted to make the drive to Chicago to prove I could still do such a long trip. Perhaps a little stubbornness?
Last year made a similar excursion to Chattanooga for Libertycon. Patricia came with me that time, and she vowed never again. She's a smart gal.
A 13-hour drive seems a lot longer when you're alone.
Monday, November 13, 2017
Call now!
Still have copies of "Another Girl, Another Planet" after returning from Windycon. This was my last convention of the year, so if you want a signed autographed copy you'll have to wait until next year UNLESS you just want order one from me directly.
It makes for a great holiday gift (I recently sold one expressly for that purpose). All you need is a mailing address, PayPal and $25.
Operators are standing by to take your order.
Well, not really, it's just me. But I'll still take your order!
It makes for a great holiday gift (I recently sold one expressly for that purpose). All you need is a mailing address, PayPal and $25.
Operators are standing by to take your order.
Well, not really, it's just me. But I'll still take your order!
Return of the Texan
Had a great time at WindyCon in Chicago. Thanks to the ConCom and programming for having me. Sorry I didn't post anything over the weekend, but I forgot my Kindle at home when I took off. I moderated the panel on Time Travel, Saturday which went well. I left a little early and skipped my last couple of panels because I wasn't feeling good and I didn't want to get sick so far from home (I drove).My apologies tp the con.
Wednesday, November 08, 2017
Off to Illinois
I'll be driving to suburban Chicago Friday to attend Windycon. Wish me luck.
This will be about the same distance I would have traveled from my home to attend DragonCon in Atlanta over the Labor Day weekend. As you may recall, getting stuck on a blocked interstate for five hours - plus the remnants of Hurricane Harvey moving inland - killed those plans.
Now, on the Veterans Day weekend, I am attempting another long trek. Like I said, wish me luck!
If you will be there at the Westin Lombard Yorktown for the convention, say Hi! This will be my first time to attend WindyCon.
Here is my schedule:
Saturday, 10:00 am Autograph Session
Saturday, 11:00 am-12:00 pm - Boardroom - 11am Readings
I will be reading my alternate history short story, "Queens Crossing", which is in the "More Alternative Truths" anthology - being released that very day!
Saturday, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm - Grand Ballroom H - Everything Old is New Again
Saturday, 1:00 pm-2:00 pm - Lilac C - VillianCon Submissions
Saturday, 2:00 pm-3:00 pm - Grand Ballroom H - Developing a Language (Texters need not apply)
Saturday, 3:00 pm-4:00 pm - Lilac B - Will They Get It?
Saturday, 8:00 pm-9:00 pm - Lilac B - Writing for Kids
Sunday, 11:00 am-12:00 pm - Maple - How RFID/NFC works
Sunday, 1:00 pm-2:00 pm - Grand Ballroom H - Will The Internet Survive the End Times?
This will be about the same distance I would have traveled from my home to attend DragonCon in Atlanta over the Labor Day weekend. As you may recall, getting stuck on a blocked interstate for five hours - plus the remnants of Hurricane Harvey moving inland - killed those plans.
Now, on the Veterans Day weekend, I am attempting another long trek. Like I said, wish me luck!
If you will be there at the Westin Lombard Yorktown for the convention, say Hi! This will be my first time to attend WindyCon.
Here is my schedule:
Saturday, 10:00 am Autograph Session
Saturday, 11:00 am-12:00 pm - Boardroom - 11am Readings
I will be reading my alternate history short story, "Queens Crossing", which is in the "More Alternative Truths" anthology - being released that very day!
Saturday, 12:00 pm-1:00 pm - Grand Ballroom H - Everything Old is New Again
Saturday, 1:00 pm-2:00 pm - Lilac C - VillianCon Submissions
Saturday, 2:00 pm-3:00 pm - Grand Ballroom H - Developing a Language (Texters need not apply)
Saturday, 3:00 pm-4:00 pm - Lilac B - Will They Get It?
Saturday, 8:00 pm-9:00 pm - Lilac B - Writing for Kids
Sunday, 11:00 am-12:00 pm - Maple - How RFID/NFC works
Sunday, 1:00 pm-2:00 pm - Grand Ballroom H - Will The Internet Survive the End Times?
Monday, November 06, 2017
I think he liked it!
"Although Lou Antonelli and I may never see eye-to-eye on ANYTHING politically, I must tell you that I read his story with outrageous glee, and did everything I could to edit it well for him.
"That he took so many of my suggestions is something I'm proud of him for, and humbled by.
"His story, "Queen's Crossing," is one of my FAVORITE stories in this anthology, and it is extremely well-written.
"it was always my goal to ensure that GOOD stories would appear in this anthology, regardless of the author's personal ideologies.
"Louis Antonelli wrote a helluva good story, and I'm proud and honored to have been part of its development.
"Way to go, Lou!"
Thanks, Lou Berger!
Sunday, November 05, 2017
Go and pre-order it now!
A few fans and friends have expressed surprise that I am participating in the anthology “More Alternative Truths”.
I did not support Donald Trump for the Republican nomination. I won’t say how I eventually did vote last year, but I have swung from Libertarian to Green over the years, depending on the candidates in the race. I know it’s a cliché, but some people like me really do “vote for the man” – or woman.
When I was asked to contribute to the anthology, there was no doubt in my mind I wanted to participate. Donald Trump is a rich source for satire. I respect the office of President, but no man is above criticism – or ridicule.
The challenge to produce a story worthy of its theme seemed to have brought out one of my best efforts. “Queens Crossing”, I believe, is one of the best alternate histories I have ever written.
Defending free speech is a big reason why I wanted to be a part of this anthology. The editors also seemed to reach out in a genuinely ecumenical way and draw in authors of all persuasions. I am joined in the Table of Contents by the likes of David Brin and Mike Resnick – hardly left-wingers themselves.
Literature should stand apart from personal opinion. If you go through life deciding whether or not you personally like the individual author, or his opinions, or whether he/she is a dog or cat person, and base your decision to read their works based on that - you'll deprive yourself of a lot of good reading.
It reminds me of the family I knew who stopped being Dallas Cowboy fans after 1989, because they were Southern Baptists - and so was Landry. When Jerry Jones fired Landry, they stopped being Cowboys fans because he fired a Baptist.
This talented line-up in "More Alternative Truths" has contributed to a volume that is in the best tradition of free speech, expression and thought – while also being entertaining. This anthology will make you think, perhaps chuckle, or even become thoughtful. I am proud to be a part of it.
I did not support Donald Trump for the Republican nomination. I won’t say how I eventually did vote last year, but I have swung from Libertarian to Green over the years, depending on the candidates in the race. I know it’s a cliché, but some people like me really do “vote for the man” – or woman.
When I was asked to contribute to the anthology, there was no doubt in my mind I wanted to participate. Donald Trump is a rich source for satire. I respect the office of President, but no man is above criticism – or ridicule.
The challenge to produce a story worthy of its theme seemed to have brought out one of my best efforts. “Queens Crossing”, I believe, is one of the best alternate histories I have ever written.
Defending free speech is a big reason why I wanted to be a part of this anthology. The editors also seemed to reach out in a genuinely ecumenical way and draw in authors of all persuasions. I am joined in the Table of Contents by the likes of David Brin and Mike Resnick – hardly left-wingers themselves.
Literature should stand apart from personal opinion. If you go through life deciding whether or not you personally like the individual author, or his opinions, or whether he/she is a dog or cat person, and base your decision to read their works based on that - you'll deprive yourself of a lot of good reading.
It reminds me of the family I knew who stopped being Dallas Cowboy fans after 1989, because they were Southern Baptists - and so was Landry. When Jerry Jones fired Landry, they stopped being Cowboys fans because he fired a Baptist.
This talented line-up in "More Alternative Truths" has contributed to a volume that is in the best tradition of free speech, expression and thought – while also being entertaining. This anthology will make you think, perhaps chuckle, or even become thoughtful. I am proud to be a part of it.
Saturday, November 04, 2017
Slated for release Nov. 11
"More Alternative Truths is an exploration of the consequences of politics in our daily lives. More than our individual lives, but our American identity. This has become an unofficial theme of this anthology. So many of the stories ask what America has become? What will it be? Will it devolve into a Russian style Oligarchy or will we rise to the challenge and use our hearts, our minds and our votes to return to a rational democracy, of, by, and for the people. No one knows for sure. But these top tier talented authors from across the world, from Philip Brian Hall to Bruno Lombardi to Jane Yolen give us their visions.
"You will find the witticism of Jim Wright exploring Donald Trump as Moses considering the Ten Commandments. The mental genius of Edd Vick and Manny Frishberg as they give us a Trump tweetstorm. There is much to laugh about.
"There are serious visions as well. Brad Cozzen’s brilliant Poem, America Once Beautiful reaches poignantly from today’s reality into some salvageable vision of tomorrow that borrows f romyesterday’s values. The poetry in this volume, be it Brad, Jane Yolen, Gyndyn T. Alexander or C.A. Chesse will bring new meaning to words.
"For a fun romp, jump to Wishcraft.com by Elizabeth Ann Scarborough, as she explores the importance of political hacks not annoying witches or K.G. Anderson’s, the Right Man for the Job, as LBJ rides to the rescue.
"Coping. How do we cope. This painful question is explored by three of our best and brightest. Jill Zeller, a woman who won’t write of Elves, has given us “A Woman Walks Into a Bar,” an affirmation of our own choices. Choices explored brilliantly by Karin L. Frank and Kerri Leigh Grady in their stories “HMO” and “Final Delivery.”
"There are many great stories in this collection but if you must read one, and only one, then read “Small Courages,” and let bring you tears of hope as you see our world through the eyes of a child and find that we can do it, we can survive, we will survive."
Friday, November 03, 2017
More Alternative Truths TOC
The "More Alternative Truths" anthology is being released Nov. 11. The Table of Contents is as follows:
Foreword David Gerrold 9
Orangemandias Adam-Troy Castro 19
The Right Man for the Job K.G. Anderson 20
I Am A Woman Jane Yolen 34
How Dangerous is Republican manic-depressive disease? Both bipolar phases are destructive, but the manic ones kill? David Brin 36
Drafting the President Lou J Berger 44
Dr. Republican’s Monster Jim Wright 54
A Letter from the Federal Women’s Prison Stephanie L. Weippert 57
One of the Lucky Ones Wondra Vanian 64
A Beautiful Industry Stuart Hardy 72
Queens Crossing Lou Antonelli 83
Small Courages Eric M. Witchey 93
The Ten Commandments Renegotiated Jim Wright and Bobby Lee Featherston 104
Illegal Citizens Irene Radford 113
During the Lockdown, After the Lockdown Michael Haynes 126
A Sonnet on Truth Philip Brian Hall 136
The Diplomatic Thing Esther Friesner 137
The Politicians Mike Resnick 154
A Modest Proposal for the Perfection of Nature Vonda N. McIntyre 176
Conspiracy of Silence Philip Brian Hall 180
HMO Karen L. Frank 189
Being Donald Trump Bruno Lombardi 202
America Once Beautiful Brad Cozzens 220
America First Tais Teng 221
Final Delivery Kerri-Leigh Grady 237
No Tanks Jane Yolen 253
Treasures Rebeccaa McFarland Kyle 254
Remembering the Bowling Green Massacre Steve Weddle 272
Tweetstorm Edd Vick and Manny Frishberg 274
The Tinker’s Damn Edward Ahern 283
Wishcraft.com Elizabeth Ann Scarbourough 286
A Woman Walks Into a Bar Jill Zeller 302
America Year Zero Gwyndyn T. Alexander 312
Future Perfect V. E. Mitchell 314
How to Recognize a Shapeshifting Lizardman (Or Woman) Who Has Been Appointed to a High-Ranking Government Cabinet Position Kurt Newton 321
I Didn’t Say That Jane Yolen 323
Non-White in America Debora Godfrey 324
Desperate Resolve John A Pitts 332
You are Weighed in the Balance Rivka Jacobs 341
Priorities C. A Chesse 352
The Healer Melinda LaFevers 354
Triple R Presents Colin Patrick Ennen 365
Donald, Where’s Your Taxes? Susan Murrie Macdonald and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough 368
A Spider Queen in Every Home Mke Morgan 370
Trickster Times Jane Yolen 397
About the Authors 398
Foreword David Gerrold 9
Orangemandias Adam-Troy Castro 19
The Right Man for the Job K.G. Anderson 20
I Am A Woman Jane Yolen 34
How Dangerous is Republican manic-depressive disease? Both bipolar phases are destructive, but the manic ones kill? David Brin 36
Drafting the President Lou J Berger 44
Dr. Republican’s Monster Jim Wright 54
A Letter from the Federal Women’s Prison Stephanie L. Weippert 57
One of the Lucky Ones Wondra Vanian 64
A Beautiful Industry Stuart Hardy 72
Queens Crossing Lou Antonelli 83
Small Courages Eric M. Witchey 93
The Ten Commandments Renegotiated Jim Wright and Bobby Lee Featherston 104
Illegal Citizens Irene Radford 113
During the Lockdown, After the Lockdown Michael Haynes 126
A Sonnet on Truth Philip Brian Hall 136
The Diplomatic Thing Esther Friesner 137
The Politicians Mike Resnick 154
A Modest Proposal for the Perfection of Nature Vonda N. McIntyre 176
Conspiracy of Silence Philip Brian Hall 180
HMO Karen L. Frank 189
Being Donald Trump Bruno Lombardi 202
America Once Beautiful Brad Cozzens 220
America First Tais Teng 221
Final Delivery Kerri-Leigh Grady 237
No Tanks Jane Yolen 253
Treasures Rebeccaa McFarland Kyle 254
Remembering the Bowling Green Massacre Steve Weddle 272
Tweetstorm Edd Vick and Manny Frishberg 274
The Tinker’s Damn Edward Ahern 283
Wishcraft.com Elizabeth Ann Scarbourough 286
A Woman Walks Into a Bar Jill Zeller 302
America Year Zero Gwyndyn T. Alexander 312
Future Perfect V. E. Mitchell 314
How to Recognize a Shapeshifting Lizardman (Or Woman) Who Has Been Appointed to a High-Ranking Government Cabinet Position Kurt Newton 321
I Didn’t Say That Jane Yolen 323
Non-White in America Debora Godfrey 324
Desperate Resolve John A Pitts 332
You are Weighed in the Balance Rivka Jacobs 341
Priorities C. A Chesse 352
The Healer Melinda LaFevers 354
Triple R Presents Colin Patrick Ennen 365
Donald, Where’s Your Taxes? Susan Murrie Macdonald and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough 368
A Spider Queen in Every Home Mke Morgan 370
Trickster Times Jane Yolen 397
About the Authors 398
Thursday, November 02, 2017
Latest publishing news
Coming next spring - Superversive Press will be publishing my latest collection of short stories. All the stories have some religious or Christian element (or lack thereof) central to the plot. This will be a mostly reprint collection, with maybe one or two original stories. It will be entitled "Shadow of the Cross".
Wednesday, November 01, 2017
Updated list of upcoming short story publications
Queens Crossing" - More Alternative Truths anthology.
"Sketches From the Apocalypse" - Toys Sha'Daa anthology.
"Last Call" - Mercury-themed Superversive Press anthology.
"The Wrong Venus" - Venus-themed Superversive Press anthology.
"Dry Falls" - Somnium (Brazil).
"The Man Who Sold His Soul For His Country" - Forbidden Thoughts 2 anthology.
"A Choice of Weapons" - TANSTAAFL Press "Enter the Apocalypse".
"Sketches From the Apocalypse" - Toys Sha'Daa anthology.
"Last Call" - Mercury-themed Superversive Press anthology.
"The Wrong Venus" - Venus-themed Superversive Press anthology.
"Dry Falls" - Somnium (Brazil).
"The Man Who Sold His Soul For His Country" - Forbidden Thoughts 2 anthology.
"A Choice of Weapons" - TANSTAAFL Press "Enter the Apocalypse".
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Whatever happened to that old Sunbelt?
By LOU ANTONELLI Managing Editor It’s rained almost daily for the past four months. The ground is saturated; walking across grass is lik...
The deadline for The Hugo Awards nominations is March 10. My story, "On a Spiritual Plain", which was published in issue No. 2 of ...
It's that time of the year again, for the annual eligibility post - a blog or social media post listing of what you published in 2017 th...
By LOU ANTONELLI Managing Editor It’s rained almost daily for the past four months. The ground is saturated; walking across grass is lik...