Sorry I haven't posted recently, but I was dealing with a major project at work that deadlined Friday. Unfortunately, I spent Thursday night at the hospital - the first time I've spent a night in a hospital since I had my tonsils out when I was ten. I went to a banquet Thursday night, and after I got home at 9 p.m. I started to get a severe stomach ache - and bloating. I drove myself to the ER at 11 p.m. After X-rays and a cat scan, they determined I had partial blockage of the small intestine. I was given some painkiller, put on a liquid diet, and checked in to see whether it would clear up on its own. Thank goodness it did. I was well enough to be checked out by 3 p.m. I went to the office for a few hours. My features editor was taken aback when I appeared in the office with a briefcase and hospital bracelets still on my wrists. My boss took his pocket knife and cut them off. I and worked a normal day today. I will be going to the doctor Monday so we can troubleshoot what caused the problem. I'm recovering, I had a slice of pizza this afternoon.
"Zombie Writing!" has been published, and the Kindle edition is free right now at Amazon, at least until the end of the day. I would have posted this link earlier, but I've been distracted.
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