Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Social stigma

I'm still not used to going to conventions and having people I used to be friendly with snub me or ignore me because I was a Sad Puppy. Of course, I don't get as many convention invites as I used to because of the blacklist, but also I'm not seeking invites because for the time being I'm preoccupied with being a self-employed business owner.

Still, I don't recall any obvious snubs at Soonercon, but this weekend it happened at FenCon. In one case I walked into an elevator and absent-mindedly cheerfully greeted someone I used to be on good terms with only to get the cold shoulder and no response. And there were obviously a person or two who would not say hello to me at the convention.

In all these cases, i noted the people are from Austin, so I guess they are pretty tight knit (read: Echo Chamber). I always find it fascinating when people ascribe statements or actions to others which are untrue, but you can tell they are inbred distortions reinforcing their own prejudices.

Instead of asking someone what they did or said, they just make assumptions.

Anyway, it's their loss, because it limits their circle of friends and experiences. It must be interesting to know it all and to be already friends with anyone worth knowing.

1 comment:

  1. https://lelaebuis.wordpress.com/2019/09/24/are-personal-attacks-protected-by-law/


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