Sunday, September 18, 2011


In checking the latest programming update for FenCon, I see I am now listed as the moderator for the Saturday 2 p.m. panel on "How to Build Scientist" I should be able to do a good job as moderator since I have no science background whatsoever and should keep the discussion running smoothly because I won't really be able to add anything.

Got the "The Stinky Men" back from Gordon, who noted it is obviously a homage to "The Ugly Chickens" (Guilty!) and not as good a story (Guilty!). I was already thinking it might find a better home in a non-genre magazine, someplace where people won't recognize "The Ugly Chickens" comparisons.

Of course, the story was written as sort of a gimmick in the dealers' room at ArmadilloCon, so there are constraints involved in its inception. I just played out an idea in my head, I didn't even write up an outline.

One thing that DID surprise me is that Gordon said he still gets typed manuscripts, generally from people in prison!

I had sent photocopies of "Stinky" to Bill Crider and Jayme Blaschke, both of whom had read some of it as it was being written. Bill said he thought it's a perfectly publishable story. Jayme said he thought the last scene, the epilogue, was unnecessary.

I have another place I want to send the original typewritten manuscript to. Then I will think about entering it into a Word file, at which time I will probably make some edits.

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